The Office Can Become a Breeding Ground for Dengue Mosquitoes! Here's Why!

Dengue, also known as dengue disease, is a serious health problem in various tropical and subtropical countries.4 One of the places that is frequently overlooked as the mosquitoes’ breeding ground is the office. In this article, we will discuss the reasons why offices can become a breeding ground for dengue mosquitoes and the steps that can be taken to prevent them.
Causes of the Office Becoming a Breeding Ground for Dengue Mosquitoes
Stagnant Water: Stagnant water around the office, such as water storage in containers, flower vases that hold water, and flower pots containing water under it, can become a breeding ground for Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that spread the dengue virus. When water does not flow or is not regularly replaced, mosquitoes can lay eggs and reproduce rapidly.2
Pieces of Unused Items: Offices often have unused items like cardboard, plastic bottles, and other containers. If these items are left as they are and can collect rainwater, they can become an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes.
Poorly Maintained Drainage System: If the drainage system around the office is not functioning properly and water cannot flow smoothly, it can lead to standing water, creating an ideal environment for mosquitoes. Clogged or irregular drainage channels can trigger the formation of stagnant water in the office area.3
Lack of Awareness and Preventive Measures: One of the main factors that turns the office into a mosquito breeding ground is the lack of awareness and preventive actions from the office occupants themselves. If employees are not aware of the importance of maintaining the cleanliness of the office environment and taking steps to prevent mosquito breeding, the risk of being infected by dengue will increase.
To prevent the office from becoming a breeding ground for dengue mosquitoes, the following steps can be taken:
Education and Awareness: Disseminate information about the danger of dengue to all employees in the office. Increase awareness of the importance of maintaining cleanliness and preventing stagnant water around the office.
Regular Cleaning: Conduct regular cleaning in the office, including cleaning areas that are susceptible to mosquito breeding, such as under the desks, storage cabinets, and hard-to-reach corners.
Mosquito Control: Use physical prevention methods to control the mosquito population around the office. Install mosquito nets on windows and doors to prevent mosquitoes from entering indoor spaces.
Use of Mosquito Repellent: Encourage employees to use safe and effective mosquito repellents while in the office, especially if mosquitoes are detected.1
Consultation with Experts: If there are signs of dengue mosquitoes in the office, promptly consult with the health professionals/company doctors or relevant authorities for further preventive measures.
Partnership with External Parties: Collaborate with external parties, such as pest control companies, to conduct regular and professional mosquito control around the office.
Through awareness, preventive measures, and cooperation among all parties, the office can become a place free from dengue mosquitoes. By maintaining a clean environment in the office and free from stagnant water, we can protect the health and safety of employees and prevent the spread of diseases caused by dengue mosquitoes.2
Lastly, which is nonetheless important is the prevention through dengue vaccination. It's important to educate employees about innovative ways to prevent dengue , one of them is through vaccination to complete dengue prevention beyond vector control. Provide clear and reliable information about vaccination, such as the protection it offers in preventing dengue infection.5
Before undergoing dengue vaccination, employees in the office should consult with a doctor first. As by consulting with a doctor provides dual benefits.
Firstly, the doctor can provide accurate information about dengue vaccination, including its risk and benefit. Secondly, the doctor can evaluate the individual's health conditions and offer advice based on the specific needs of each employee. So, what are you waiting for? Let's prioritize health in our office!
This article is intended for public information and awareness, and for educational purposes. The article is not intended as a form of medical advice. This article has been supervised by: Dr. Carissa R.V Pratiwi.
ANPROM/ID/QDE/0532 | Jun 2024
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- SehatNegeriku.Kemkes. (2019). Clean Water Becomes a Breeding Ground for Dengue Mosquitoes. Available at: https://sehatnegeriku.kemkes.go.id/baca/umum/20190204/5029293/air-bersih-jadi-sarang-nyamuk-dbd/ (accessed on June 15, 2023).
- Promkes Kemenkes. (2019). Efforts to Prevent Dengue Fever with 3M Plus. Available at: https://promkes.kemkes.go.id/upaya-pencegahan-dbd-dengan-3m-plus (Accessed on June 14, 2023).
- Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. (2022). Let's Find Out! What is Dengue Fever? Available at: https://yankes.kemkes.go.id/view_artikel/608/ayo-cari-tahu-apa-itu-demam-berdarah (accessed on July 31, 2023).
- Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. Sehat Negeriku. (2023). Combat Dengue, Ministry of Health Develops Two Technologies. Available at: https://sehatnegeriku.kemkes.go.id/baca/umum/20230205/3642353/atasi-dengue-kemenkes-kembangkan-dua-teknologi-ini/#:~:text=Berdasarkan%20data%20Kementerian%20Kesehatan%2C%20di,anak%20usia%200%2D14%20tahun (accessed on June 14, 2023).
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